Blog 3: My dream job


It´s a dificult question for me, because i dont really like to think in the future, i dont want to make expectations (the world is crazy and anything can change).  I have two pasions in my life. On one hand i like to think about the problems of humanity, with a sociological perspective. I hate the way that the society is made, i think it s a big fraud. And on another hand, i love the nature and want to live far away from civilization: i think that´s the right way to live, in armony with nature. The problem is that i dont know how to combine those two passions, because they are aparently incompatable.

To be more practical, i am just going to talk about sociology and what i want to do with this title. I want to be profesor of theoretical sociology, and i want to write my own books. It s a long way, i have to read and study a lot, but i think i can do it. I think that being a professor is a good way to leave your mark and change the world. I dont really care about how much money i am going to get, just the minimum to ive is good for me. This idea is good, but i dont really want to live in a city, i just want to live in a small town, work using my hands, and have a simple and happy life.

Breve biografía de Karl Marx (fundador del comunismo) Fotos gratis : árbol, montaña, casa, edificio, granero, cordillera, choza,  Alpes, cabaña de madera, área rural, Formaciones montañosas 4437x2958 - -  116148 - Imagenes gratis - PxHere


  1. Hi Fabian, I like you perspective of the life, the city is very problematic and the nature is majestic

  2. Hi, I think it would be great if you were a teacher of theoretical sociology, and I also hope you can find a way to combine teaching theoretical sociology with your love of nature.

  3. Hello Fabian! It would be wonderful to live among nature and escape from pollution. I empathize with you and hope that someday you can fulfill both dreams :).


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